Superheroes Fan Base Wiki

Welcome, Hero!

Welcome to the Superheroes Fan Base (or SFB for short), created by UltiVerse on the 13th of April 2014.

What is SFB?

SFB is a wiki where you can write fan fiction series related to superheroes, from Justice League to The Secret Saturdays, or any other known superhero franchises or just read fanfictions created by other users. However, we have a few regulations, which can be found here.

We also have wiki chat! A place where you can talk to your favorite users live!

Have fun!

Create Your Own Hero!

Create Your Own Hero!

Create Your Own Hero!

First Series

The Heroes of L.A.M.E is the first ever series on this wiki, made by Echoson, which is a comedy-based series which focuses on a team of superheroes. Read it now!

Recent Activity

In the Superheroes Fan Base Wiki's secret headquarters, we are spying on different heroes (and villains!) as they do stuff in Superheroes Fan Base Wiki-Ville! Look at our super computer below.
